

Crisis Management at UCLA Anderson's School of Management

Health and Science Journalism at Stanford

Compassion, Dignity and Empathy-Physician Communication Skills at Stanford

Yasmin Sholarships

Yasmin Scholarships: Seema established the Yasmin Scholarships in 2017 to support women and gender non-conforming artists to enjoy residencies at two artists colonies — The Millay Colony for the Arts and Hedgebrook. 

Why I had to do this:

I’m tired of other people telling our stories. I’m bored of other people repackaging our music. I refuse to keep seeing my world through the (literal) lens of white, male artists. 

I’m sharing the advance from my first two books with other women of color artists because our music, our stories, our images, our dreams and our art matters. This is my small way of showing support to my fellow creators and encouraging you to apply for the gifts of time, silence and solitude at The Millay Colony for the Arts.

Read more about the scholarships and apply here and here


Dr. Yasmin’s research on the spread of misinformation and disinformation and on health equity has been supported by the Emerson Collective and seed grants from Stanford University. She is working at the intersection of medicine and the media to map health care and health information access across the U.S. Yasmin’s “Health/Information In/Equity Map” documents medical deserts and news deserts, and reveals “double deserts”—regions where communities are doubly vulnerable to disease and disinformation about disease because they lack access to health care and accurate health information. Yasmin’s map will be a multilayered, multimedia tool that challenges the perception that marginalized and othered communities are a monolith, or that the health information needs of all communities are the same.

Yasmin hopes this map inspires the creation of collaborative projects that engage affected communities, builds bridges between scientists, journalists, and the people they serve, and leads to more resilient communities that are empowered through equitable access to health care and health information.

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